Contemporary Artist
Email: luisa@luisacohrs.com
M.F.A., Drawing and Painting,
California State University Long Beach (1995)
Graduate studies, Drawing and Painting Wolverhampton University
B.A., Fine Arts, Minor in Art History
California State Polytechnic University Pomona (1992)
Luisa Cohrs was born in Bogota, Colombia on April 19, 1968. Her father was a German immigrant that established an import/export business in Colombia in 1934. Her mother was the oldest daughter of a family from the coffee region which survived the Civil war of 1948. This colorful background has fed the iconography used by Luisa in similar ways as Gabriel Garcia Marquez has used it to enrich his magic realism.
Her move to the USA at the age of 16 gave her a brilliant opportunity to follow her dreams and complete her B.A. from Cal Poly, Pomona, then her MFA from Cal State Long Beach finishing her thesis at the University of Wolverhampton, England.
From early on she has traveled much throughout USA, Europe and Colombia. Her travel and constant moving gives her the energy and motivation to inject her work with new ideas. She continues to travel and to be a thief of imagery from the world.